Title : Wilderness Dreams Pretty Mossy Oak & Black Lace Chemise Gown, Camo (Small)
Description : Chemise Trimmed in black lace with a black bow accent, the chemise has a gentle flair to a mid-thigh length. The flirty ruffled hem finishes the chemise. Adjustable lingerie straps and a tie strap in the back provide the perfect fit. Made from soft, silky polyester fabric. Available in S-XL
Features :
- Mossy Oak & Black Lace Camo Chemise Gown (Small)
- Available in sizes S-XXL
- Adjustable Spaghetti Straps
- Black Lace Accents
List Price : $42.00
Price : $30.29
Saved Price : $11.71
Category: Swim
Brand: Weber Camo Leather Goods
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