Title : Shadowline Silhouette Gown and Peignoir Set (51737), Red, 3X
Description : Soft, luxurious stretch lace accents the bodice of this gown from the “Silhouette” collection by Shadowline. The same stretch lace adorns the front bodice, waist and cuffs of the delicate peignoir robe. This combination makes for a fabulous addition to any bride’s trousseau or a wonderfully romantic gift. Full sweeping skirts in silky nylon tricot. 100% Nylon. Approximately 53″ long.
Features :
- Gown and Robe Set
- Romantic sweeping skirt and soft stretch lace bodice
- Shimmering Nylon Tricot
- Approximately 53 inches long
- Misses or Plus sizes available
List Price : $104.00
Price : $104.00
Item Page Detail URL : More Information
All Offers: More Deals
Category: Nightgowns & Sleepshirts
Brand: Shadowline
Rating : 4.5
Rating : 33
Review : Olga would be pleased
Beautiful set, great value as well
Those of us of a certain age recall the lovely Olga nightgowns with the stretch lace bodice that gave “the girls” some flattering support. They were beautiful gowns, very flattering, and now they can sell for a few hundred dollars on eBay and such. And those are gently used, by and large. I was seeking something similar and was delighted to find this Shadowline set on Amazon. You can buy the peignoir and gown separately from a different vendor if you wish. My set arrived today and I couldn’t be happier. The lace was a bit stiff from the sizing but after a wash in the machine and a gentle tumble dry it is very soft and comfortable. I’m pretty long-waisted and “the girls” are reasonably good sized (if a bit less firm than they once were) and I may end up trimming the lace bodice at the shoulders and shortening the straps, so to speak. It would lift “the girls” up a bit higher and back where they used to be. The gown has a flattering full skirt, and the peignoir has stretch lace inserted…
Olga would be pleased